Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Gay Bed and Breakfast of Terror

Erin, Mary and I sat around the television and carved pumpkins last night, and that's the title of the movie we watched.

It was for Halloween.

I'm not gay, mother.

Anyway. It was terrifying.

Mary made a caprese salad and Erin made dinner - veggies and some kind of meatless meat with spaghetti squash (or spaghetti SQUOOSH, as she terms it). Delish. Later on, snacked on a few pumpkin seeds and a popcorn ball. A whole ball of popcorn. Makes one wonder why they don't process other foods in other shapes. Pizza cube. Lobster pyramid. Burger tetrahedron. The list goes on.

The sandwich shop downstairs in my office building closed down due to a health violation, so that's good. If only every eating establishment in the world would close down to health violations. My, I sure would lose weight then.

Been good today - Nutri-Grain bar for breakfast, turkey sandwich and veggies for lunch. Haven't weighed myself yet, and may not have a chance until tomorrow. Even though I'm dying to know. Sadly, I'm not being sarcastic. I love numbers.

Starting weight: 222.4 lbs
Day 7 weight: unknown
Total loss: ERROR

P.S. Beware of Manfred. He'll getcha.

1 comment:

  1. I just want to know what pumpkin masterpiece you carved this year! I think I will roast my pumpkin seeds and make them into a yummy trail mix....I have cherry flavored Craisins, almonds and extra dark chocolate bits. Healthy....just have to portion it out into snack bags...and only take ONE at a time with me! :-%
