Sunday, October 3, 2010


Yes, that's right - Erin and I are now fostering two 8-week-old kittens. They're pretty cute, when they're not keeping us up all night or stinking up the place. Orion is the sweet one, Toby is the funny one with deep, emotional issues.

Amazingly, I have now gotten three auditions through Actor's Access in the past week, after having submitted constantly for about two months with no resuts. When it rains, it pours. Or, to use a more L.A.-appropriate metaphor, when it rains, it drizzles for about two and a half minutes and then stops.

So... really don't feel like writing a long post today, y'all. Just fulfilling my obligation of writing each time I reach a new low weight. Hey - LAY OFF ME. I got no sleep last night (I had a kitten relentlessly suckling my chin from 2 am to about 5) and there's football on today. Besides, I have to concentrate all my time and effort right now on not ordering a pizza.

It's one of those days.

Starting weight: 222.4 lbs
Day 349 weight: 204.4 lbs
Total loss: 18.0 lbs

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