Sunday, February 14, 2010

I Have No Idea How Much I Weigh

Haven't done the old weigh in for a few days, so who knows. I'll tell you one thing - I'm fatter than 99.9% of these Olympians. I might be in better shape than one or two of the curlers, I'm not sure. You don't have to be in that great of shape to let go of a rock.

Not that I'm disrespecting curling. Are you kidding? Best sport in the Olympics. When I'm rich and famous, my house will have three things - library, poker room, curling rink. The Clue version of my life will be AMAZING.

I've been writing the shit out of my book lately. I think I'm over that hump, where I get stuck or don't know where the story is going next (even though I always know where it's going in the long run). I'm breezing through it at this point and, now that I've reformatted it to be submission ready, it's actually up to 184 pages! Not that longer is better, but it sure makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something.

Been working on a couple of audition monologues, in case I get called upon for something other than a cold read, and I've also been running the five-minute version of my stand-up routine, which I'm performing Wednesday. So there are balls in the air.

That made it sound like I'll be juggling. I won't be juggling. Don't get excited.

Starting weight: 222.4 lbs
Day 114 weight: Less than that
Total loss: The difference between those two

1 comment:

  1. TOTALLY, Spam. I hear you, and I completely agree. Thanks for putting things in perspective for me.
